Peer-reviewed Articles
76. C Su, M He, M Cai, J Shi, R Amine, ND Rago, J Guo, T Rojas, AT Ngo, K Amine, "Solvation-Protection-Enabled High-Voltage Electrolyte for Lithium Metal Batteries" Nano Energy 2022 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106720
75. SO Lovera, AL Bagsdasarian, J Guo, HM Nelson, V Lavallo, "Cesium Carbonate Mediated C-H Functionalization of Perhalogenated 12-Vertex Carbonate Anions" Chemical Communications 2021 DOI https://doi.org/10.1039/D2CC00173J
74. T Liu, G Lv, M Liu, C Zhao, L Liao, H Liu, J Shi, J Zhang, J Guo, "Cation-Intercalation and Conversion-Type Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Aluminum Batteries" Materials Chemistry Frontiers 2022 DOI https://doi.org/10.1039/D1QM01267C
73. X Wen, Z Yu, Y Zhao, J Zhang, R Qiao, L Cheng, C Ban, J Guo, "Enabling Magnesium Anodes by Tuning the Electrode/Electrolyte Interfacial Structure" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c10446
72. CC Su, M He, J Shi, R Amine, J Zhang, J Guo, K Amine, "Superior Long-Term Cycling of High-Voltage Lithium-ion Batteries Enabled by Single-Solvent Electrolyte" Nano Energy 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106299
71. J Zhang, M Zhou, J Shi, Y Zhao, X Wen, CC Su, J Wu, J Guo, "Regulating Lithium Deposition via Electropolymerization of Acrylonitrile in Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries" Nano Energy 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2021.106298
70. Y Zhao, J Zhang, J Guo, "Cathode-Electrolyte Interfacial Processes in Lithium||Sulfure Batteries Under Lean Electrolyte Conditions" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c08615
69. X Wen, J Zhang, H Luo, J Shi, C Tsay, H Jiang, YH Lin, M Schroeder, K Xu, J Guo, "Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Aluminum Hexafluorophosphate" The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2021 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01236
68. VV Nascimento, W Neves, R Alencar, G Li, C Fu, R Haddon, E Bekyarova, J Guo, S Alexandre, R Nunes, AS Filho, C Fantini, "Origin of the Giant Enhanced Raman Scattering by Sulfur Chains Encapsulated inside Single-wall Carbon Nanotubes" ACS Nano 2021 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.1c00390
67. SS Yamijala, H Kwon, J Guo, BM Wong, "Stability of Calcium Ion Battery Electrolytes: Predictions from Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021 https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.0c21716
66. CC Su, M He, J Shi, R Amine, Z Yu, L Cheng, J Guo, K Amine, "Principle in Developing Novel Fluorinated Sulfone Electrolyte for High Voltage Lithium-Ion Batteries" Energy & Environmental Science 2021 https://doi.org/10.1039/D0EE03890C
65. J Gao, C Ren, X Huo, R Ji, X Wen, J Guo, J Liu, "Supported Palladium Catalysts: A Facile Preparation Method and Implications to Reductive Catalysis Technology for Water Treatment" ACS ES&T Engineering 2020 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsestengg.0c00227
64. B Markey, M Zhang, I Robb, P Xu, H Gao, D Zhang, J Holoubek, D Xia, Y Zhao, J Guo, M Cai, "Effective Upcycling of Graphite Anode: Healing and Doping Enabled Direct Regeneration" Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2020 https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/1945-7111/abcc2f/pdf
63. J Zhang, J Shi, X Wen, Y Zhao, J Guo, "Properties of Thin Lithium Metal Electrodes in Carbonate Electrolytes with Realistic Parameters" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acsami.0c09730
62. Y Zhao, J Guo "Development of Flexible Li-Ion Batteries for Flexible Electronics" InfoMat 2020 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/inf2.12117
61. X Wen, Y Liu, D Xu, Y Zhao, RK Lake, J Guo "Room-Temperature Electrodeposition of Aluminum via Manipulating Coordination Structure in AlCl3 Solutions" The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2020 https://par.nsf.gov/servlets/purl/10208199
60. J Shi, J Zhang, J Guo, J Lu "Interfaces in rechargeable magnesium batteries" Nanoscale Horizons 2020 https://pubs.rsc.org/ja-jp/content/getauthorversionpdf/D0NH00379D
59. AA Rezaie, Z Yan, JP Scheifers, J Zhang, J Guo, BPT Fokwa, "Synthesis and Li-ion electrode properties of layered MAB phases Nin+1ZnBn (n=1, 2)" Journal of Materials Chemistry 2020 https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/getauthorversionpdf/c9ta12937e
58. Z. Yan, H. Jin, J. Guo, "Low-Temperature Synthesis of Graphitic Carbon Coated Silicon Anode Materials" Carbon Energy 2019 doi.org/10.1002/cey2.8
57. X. Wen, Y. Liu, A. Jadhav, J. Zhang, D. Borchardt, J. Shi, B. W. Wong, B. Sanyal, R. J. Messinger, J. Guo, "Materials Compatibility in Rechargeable Aluminum Batteries: Chemical and Electrochemical Properties between Vanadium Petoxide and Chloroaluminate Ionic Liquids" Chemistry of Materials 2019, 31, 7238-7247. link
56. J. Shi, J. Zhang, J. Guo, "Avoiding Pitfalls in Rechargeable Aluminum Batteries Research" ACS Energy Letter 2019, 4, 2124-2129. link
55. Z. Yan, J. Guo, "High-Performance Silicon-Carbon Anode Materials via Aerosol Drying and Magnesiothermic Reduction" Nano Energy 2019, 63, 103845. link
54. J. Shi, J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Z. Yan, N. Hart, J. Guo, "Synthesis of Li2S-Carbon Cathode Materials via Carbothermic Reduction of Li2SO4" Frontiers In Energy Research 2019, 7, 53. link
53. S. P. Fisher, J. Kleinsasse, A. W. Tomich, S. O. Lovera, J. Guo, M. J. Asay, H. M. Nelson, V. Lavallo, “Non-classical Applications of closo-Carborane Anions: from Main Group Chemistry and Catalysis to Energy Storage” Chemical Reviews 2019, 119, 8262-8290. link
52. R. Jay, A. W. Tomich, J. Zhang, A. De Gorostiza, V. Lavallo, J. Guo, “A Comparative Study of Mg(CB11H12)2and Mg(TFSI)2at the Magnesium/Electrolyte Interface” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 11414-11420. link
51. S. P. Fisher, A. W. Tomich, J. Guo, V. Lavallo, “Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: New Directions in Fundamental and Applied closo-Carborane Anion Chemistry” Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 1684-1701. link
50. L. Geng, J. Scheifers, J. Zhang, K. N. Bozhilov, B. P. T. Fokwa, J. Guo, “Crystal Structure Transformation in Chevrel Phase Mo6S8Induced by Aluminum Intercalation” Chemistry of Materials 2018, 30, 8420-8425. link
49. C. Fu, M. B. Oviedo, Y. Zhu, A. von Cresce, G. Li, M. E. Itkis, R. C. Haddon, K. Xu, Y. Han, B. M. Wong, J. Guo, “Confined Lithium-Sulfur Reactions in Narrow-Diameter Carbon Nanotubes Reveal Enhanced Electrochemical Reactivity” ACS Nano 2018, 12, 9775-9784. link
48. N. Hart, J. Shi, J. Zhang, J. Guo, “Lithium Sulfide-Carbon Composites via Aerosol Spray Pyrolysis as Cathode Materials for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries” Frontiers in Chemistry 2018, 6, 476. link
47. L. Wang, Z. Zhang, L. Geng, T. Yuan, Y. Liu, J. Guo, L, Fang, J. Qiu, S. Wang, “Solution-printable fullerence/TiS2 organic/inorganic hybrids for high-performance flexible n-type thermoelectrics” Energy and Environmental Science 2018, 11, 1307-1317. link
46. C. Fu, L. Xu, F. W. Aquino, A. v. Cresce, M. Gobet, S. G. Greenbaum, K. Xu, B. M. Wong, J. Guo, "Correlating Li+-Solvation Structure and its Electrochemical Reaction Kinetics with Sulfur in subnano Confinement" Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2018, 9, 1739-1745. link
45. H. Su, C. Fu, Y. Zhao, D. Long, L. Ling, B. M. Wong, J. Lu, J. Guo, "Polycation Binders - An Effective Approach towards Lithium Polysulfides Sequestration in Li-S Batteries" ACS Energy Letters 2017, 2, 2591-2597. link
44. H. Su, A. A. Barragan, L. Geng, D. Long, L. Ling, K. N. Bozhilov, L. Mangolini, J. Guo, "Colloidal Synthesis of Silicon@ Carbon Composite Materials for Lithium‐Ion Batteries" Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2017, 129, 10920-10925. link
43. L. Geng, J. Scheifers, C. Fu, J. Zhang, B. P. T. Fokwa, J. Guo, "Titanium Sulfides as Intercalation-Type Cathode Materials for Rechargeable Aluminum Batteries" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2017, 9, 21251-21257. link
42. S. G. McArthur, R. Jay, L. Geng, J. Guo, V. Lavallo, "Below the 12-vertex: 10-vertex carborane anions as non-corrosive, halide free, electrolytes for rechargeable Mg batteries" Chemical Communications 2017, 53, 4453-4456. link
41. W. Wang, Z. Favors, C. Li, C. Liu, R. Ye, C. Fu, K. Bozhilov, J. Guo, M. Ozkan, C. S. Ozkan, "Silicon and Carbon Nanocomposite Spheres with Enhanced Electrochemical Performance for Full Cell Lithium Ion Batteries" Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 44838. link
40. C. Fu, J. Guo, "Challenges and current development of sulfur cathode in lithium-sulfur battery" Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering 2016, 13, 53-62. link
39. L. Zhong, C. Beaudette, J. Guo, K. Bozhilov, L. Mangolini, "Tin nanoparticles as an effective conductive additive in silicon anodes" Scientific Reports 2016, 6: 30952. link
38. C. Fu, G. Li, J. Zhang, B. Cornejo, S.S. Piao, K.N. Bozhilov, R.C. Haddon, J. Guo, “Electrochemical Lithiation of Covalently Bonded Sulfur in Vulcanized Polyisoprene” ACS Energy Letters 2016, 1, 115-120. link
37. G. Li, C. Fu, M.B. Oviedo, M. Chen, X. Tian, E. Bekyarova, M.E. Itkis, B.M. Wong, J. Guo, R.C. Haddon, "Giant Raman Response to the Encapsulation of Sulfur in Narrow Diameter Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes" Journal of the American Chemical Society 2016, 138, 40-43. link
36. C. Fu, B.M. Wong, K.N. Bozhilov, J. Guo, "Solid State Lithiation-Delithiation of Sulfur in Sub-Nano Confinement: A New Concept for Designing Lithium-Sulfur Batteries" Chemical Science 2016, 7, 1224-1232. link
35. S.G. McArthur, L. Geng, J. Guo, V. Lavallo, "Cation Cation Reduction and Comproportionation as Novel Strategies to Produce High Voltage, Halide Free, Carborane Based Electrolytes for Rechargeable Mg Batteries" Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 2015, 2, 1101-1104. link
34. L. Geng, G. Lv, X. Xing, J. Guo, “Reversible Electrochemical Intercalation of Aluminum in Mo6S8” Chemistry of Materials 2015, 27, 4926-4929. link
33. L. Zhong, J. Guo, L. Mangolini, “A stable silicon anode based on the uniform dispersion of quantum dots in a polymer matrix” Journal of Power Sources 2015, 273, 638-644. link
32. J. Zhu, K. Yoo, A. Denduluri, W. Hou, W. Hou, J. Guo, D. Kisailus, “Crystal structure and size effects on the performance of Li[Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3]O2 cathodes” Journal of Materials Research 2015, 30, 286-294. link
31. J. Zhu, J. Fiore, D. Li, N. M. Kinsinger, Q. Wang, E. DiMasi, J. Guo, D. Kisailus, “Solvothermal synthesis, development, and performance of LiFePO4 nanostructures” Crystal Growth & Design 2013, 13, 4659-4666. link
30. J. Guo, Z. Yang, L.A. Archer, "Aerosol assisted synthesis of hierarchical tin-carbon composites and their application as lithium battery anode materials" Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 8710-8715. link
29. J. Guo, Z. Yang, L.A. Archer, "Mesoporous silicon@carbon composite via nanoparticle-seeded dispersion polymerization and their application as lithium-ion battery anode materials" Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 1433-1440. link
28. V.R. Basrur, J. Guo, C. Wang, S. R. Raghavan, "Synergistic Gelation of Silica Nanoparticles and a Sorbitol-Based Molecular Gelator to Yield Highly-Conductive Free-Standing Gel Electrolytes" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2013, 5, 262-267. link
27. J. Guo, Z. Yang, Y. Yu, H.D. Abruña, L.A. Archer, "Lithium-Sulfur Battery Cathode Enabled by Lithium-Nitrile Interaction" Journal of the American Chemical Society 2013, 135, 763-767. link
26. Z. Yang, J. Guo, S. Xu, Y. Yu, H.D. Abruña, L.A. Archer, "Interdispersed Silicon-Carbon Nanocomposites and their Application as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries" Electrochemistry Communications 2013, 28, 40-43. link
25. Z. Yang, J. Guo, S.K. Das, Y. Yu, Z. Zhou, H.D. Abruña, L.A. Archer, "In situ synthesis of lithium sulfide–carbon composites as cathode materials for rechargeable lithium batteries" Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2013, 1, 1433-1440. link
24. Y. Luo, J. Guo, C. Wang, D. Zhu, “Copolymerization of Methyl Methacrylate and Vinylbenzyl Chloride towards Alkaline Anion Exchange Membrane for Fuel Cell Applications” Journal of Membrane Science 2012, 423-424, 209-214. link
23. Y. Xu, J. Guo, C. Wang, “Sponge-like porous carbon/tin composite anode materials for lithium ion batteries” Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012, 22, 9562-9567. link
22. X. Chen, J. Guo, K. Gerasopoulos, A. Langrock, A. Brown, R. Ghodssi, J. Culver, C. Wang, “3D Tin anodes prepared by electrodeposition on a virus scaffold” Journal of Power Sources 2012, 211, 129-132. link
21. A. Ghosh, J. Guo, A. Brown, C. Wang, P. Kofinas, J. N. Culver, “Virus assembled flexible electrode-electrolyte interfaces for enhanced polymer based battery applications” Journal of Nanomaterials 2012, 795892. link
20. Y. Luo, J. Guo, C. Wang, D. Chu, “Fuel Cell Durability Enhancement by Crosslinking Alkaline Anion Exchange Membrane Electrolyte” Electrochemistry Communications 2012, 16, 65-68. link
19. J. Guo, Q. Liu, M. R. Zachariah, C. Wang, “Inter-dispersed amorphous MnOx-carbon nanocomposites with superior electrochemical performance as lithium storage material” Advanced Functional Materials 2012, 22, 803-811. link
18. Y. Luo, J. Guo, C. Wang, D. Chu, “Acrylate Polymer Based Electrolyte Membrane for Alkaline Fuel Cell Applications” ChemSusChem 2011, 4, 1557-1560. link
17. J. Guo, Y. Xu, C. Wang, “Sulfur Impregnated Disordered Carbon Nanotubes Cathode for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries” Nano Letters 2011, 11, 4288-4294. link
16. Y. Luo, J. Guo, C. Wang, D. Chu, “Tunable High Molecular Weight Anion Exchange Membranes for Alkaline Fuel Cells” Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 2011, 212, 2094-2102. link
15. X. Chen, K. Gerasopoulos, J. Guo, R. Ghodssi, J. N. Culver, C. Wang, “High rate performance of virus enabled 3D n-type Si anodes for lithium-ion batteries” Electrochimica Acta 2011, 56, 5210-5213. link
14. J. Guo, A. Sun, X. Chen, C. Wang, A. Manivannan, “Cyclability Study of Silicon-Carbon Composite Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy” Electrochimica Acta 2011, 56, 3981-3987. link
13. X. Chen, K. Gerasopoulos, J. Guo, A.Brown, C. Wang, R. Ghodssi, J. N. Culver, “A patterned 3D silicon anode fabricated by electrodeposition on a virus-structured current collector” Advanced Functional Materials 2011, 21, 380-387. link
12. J. Guo, T. A. Barbari, “A Dual Mode Interpretation of the Kinetics of Penetrant-Induced Swelling and Deswelling in a Glassy Polymer” Polymer 2010, 51, 5145-5150. link
11. X. Chen, K. Gerasopoulos, J. Guo, A. Brown, C. Wang, R. Ghodssi, J. N. Culver, “Virus-Enabled Silicon Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries” ACS Nano 2010, 4, 5366-5372. link
10. J. Guo, A.Sun, C. Wang, “A Porous Silicon-Carbon Anode with High Overall Capacity on Carbon Fiber Current Collector” Electrochemistry Communications 2010, 12, 981-984. link
9. Y. Luo, J. Guo, C. Wang, D. Chu, “Quaternized Poly(methyl methacrylate-co-butyl acrylate-co-vinylbenzyl chloride) Membrane as Solid Electrolyte for Alkaline Fuel Cell” Journal of Power Sources 2010, 195, 3765-3771. link
8. J. Guo, X. Chen, C. Wang, “Carbon Scaffold Structured Silicon Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries” Journal of Materials Chemistry 2010, 20, 5035-5040. link
7. J. Guo, C. Wang, “A Polymer Scaffold Binder Structure for High Capacity Silicon Anode of Lithium-ion Battery” Chemical Communications 2010, 46, 1428-1430. link
6. J. Guo, K. Y. Choi, F. J. Schork, “Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Ethylene and Vinyl Acetate” Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 2009, 3, 412-418. link
5. J. Guo, T. A. Barbari, “Unified Dual Mode Description of Small Molecule Sorption and Desorption Kinetics in a Glassy Polymer” Macromolecules 2009, 42, 5700-5708. link
4. J. Rawlston, J. Guo, M. G. Gallivan, F. J. Schork, “A Kinetic Monte Carlo Study on the Nucleation Mechanisms of Oil-Soluble Initiators in the Miniemulsion Polymerization of Styrene” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry 2008, 46, 6114-6128. link
3. F. J. Schork, J. Guo, “Continuous Miniemulsion Polymerization” Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 2008, 2, 287-303. link
2. J. Guo, F. J. Schork, “Hybrid Miniemulsion Polymerization of Acrylic/Oil and Acrylic/Fatty Acid Systems” Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 2008, 2, 265-276. link
1. J. Guo, T. A. Barbari, “A Dual Mode Local Equilibrium Relaxation Model for Small Molecule Diffusion in a Glassy Polymer” Macromolecules 2008, 41, 238-245. link
Invited Book Chapter
J. Guo and C. Wang, “Nanostructured metal oxides for Li-ion batteries” Chapter 14 in Functional Metal Oxide Nanostructures, 337-363, J. Wu et al. (Eds.) Springer.